Advertising in Southwest Oregon Regional Airport (was North Bend Municipal) (OTH)

*All metrics are based on a 4-week advertising campaign

Southwest Oregon Regional Airport, formerly North Bend Municipal, is a gateway to the picturesque Oregon coast and a unique opportunity for advertisers. Serving a growing number of passengers, this airport connects travelers to the region's natural beauty and thriving local communities. Advertising at Southwest Oregon Regional Airport allows brands to engage with a diverse audience, while also showcasing the distinctive charm and allure of North Bend and its surrounding areas.

Why advertise at OTH?

Southwest Oregon Regional Airport (OTH) offers a unique advertising opportunity with its growing passenger traffic and picturesque location. Some notable aspects of OTH include:

North Bend Market

Population: North Bend is a small coastal city in Oregon with a population of around 10,000 residents, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This tight-knit community offers advertisers the opportunity to connect with a local audience that values the region's natural beauty and unique charm.

Economic growth: North Bend's economy is primarily driven by tourism, retail, and healthcare industries. The city's picturesque location and proximity to outdoor recreational activities attract visitors year-round, providing advertisers with a steady stream of potential customers.

Cultural diversity: North Bend is home to a diverse population that includes a mix of ethnicities, races, and backgrounds. This diversity allows advertisers to target a wide range of audiences and demographics, while also showcasing the city's unique character and charm.

Outdoor recreation: The city is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, including beaches, forests, and sand dunes, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Advertisers can capitalize on this interest by promoting products and services related to outdoor activities and adventure tourism.

Education and community: North Bend is home to several schools and community organizations, fostering a strong sense of local pride and engagement. Advertisers can tap into this community spirit by supporting local events, initiatives, and educational programs, further strengthening their connection with the North Bend market.

North Bend Audience

Airport price breakdown

Billboard pricing in North Bend varies depending on factors such as location, size, and visibility, with the following price ranges:

Airport Impression and CPM Metrics

Impressions and CPM metrics provide valuable insights into the reach and cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns at Southwest Oregon Regional Airport:

Some of the top airport ad providers for OTH

Here is a list of top providers for advertising at Southwest Oregon Regional Airport (OTH):

Other formats for advertising in North Bend

A closer look at the data reveals the depth and breadth of the other opportunities available in North Bend:

Get started advertising with AdQuick now!

AdQuick is a comprehensive platform that simplifies the process of planning, buying, and measuring out-of-home advertising campaigns. By connecting advertisers to OOH media owners, AdQuick offers a wide range of products and solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each campaign. With access to industry-leading technology, 99% of billboard ads, and best billboard prices guaranteed, signing up for AdQuick provides a seamless and efficient way to execute your outdoor advertising strategy. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your brand's presence and reach a diverse audience. Get started today and experience the benefits of AdQuick's white glove service.

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